
Friday, February 7, 2014

Tech Chats - Mindful Use of Technology

Next Friday, Feb. 14, at 12:30, anyone who is interested, is invited to a "tech chat" in the middle school lab (B111).

The topic will have to do with the mindful use of technology. It appears many people--students and adults alike--are struggling with a variety of issues related to living in an ever-connected world filled with social media, devices, apps, games...  As a teacher, you may have noticed your students struggling with this.

Some questions we may use for the discussion: (Feel free to provide your own.)

What is mindful use of technology? (My first attempt to define it: (Feel free to differ, either in comments below or in person.) The conscious use of technology in a way that helps one accomplish goals, improves well-being, and leads to long-term self-improvement.

What can we do to become more mindful about our use of tech?

What can we do to help students become more mindful in their use of tech?

How important do you consider this issue to be?

What does science say about the issue? (see video below for ideas)

How can mindfulness change behavior?

I have started a topic in our AISB IT Diigo Group. Please check out the resources.


  1. I think this is a really important topic and one that we need to address as a whole faculty. When all of our MS students are "online" next year, I hope we will identify some ways to help students be conscious of how they spend their time on their device. Identifying a few "tag-lines" may help so we have a common language for this.

