
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Entrepreneurial Learner

Bumped into this video a few weeks ago (via my PLN, using Twitter).

It's from John Seely Brown, author of The Power of Pull, among others. (Highly recommended)

Some of my favorite take-aways from the video:

How do you constantly look around you all the time for new ways, new resources, to learn new things?

As we move into the 21st Century, we have to completely rethink the workscape into a learningscape.

We have to find ways that each of us get more talented by working. Just being able to learn as individuals is not enough.

You’ve got to be in it, not just above it and learning about it.

We used to know how to know. We got our answers from books or experts. We nailed the facts and moved on. But in the Internet Age, knowledge has moved onto networks. Topics have no boundaries and nobody agrees on anything.

Play is a permission to fail, fail, fail again and get it right.

In a world of constant change, if you don’t feel comfortable tinkering, you’re going to feel an amazing state of anxiety.

The key part of play is a space of safety and permission. What kind of permission do we give our students today?